Vice Showtime

TV Ident

Branding development for the flagship Vice news show.

@   PPL SEA,
for Vice Media
S  Creative Direction, design, animation

Being asked to redesign the Vice logo was surreal to say the least. It was a dream to do show package development for the flagship news show.

A whole new logo, typography, show opens, chapter opens, lower, upper and corner thirds, subtitles, maps, news video screens, magazine quotes and music direction were all on the to do list.


Refreshing the logo was core to the task at hand. The goals were to bring it closer to the energy of the parent brand, but also let the logotype mature and be more versatile. The door was wide open for wider use as part of a larger rebranding exploration - meaning this was a chance to update the parent company logo itself. (No pressure!)
The original Vice logo
HBO show logo
Our new logo
The through line on the VI nods to the graffiti heritage of the original while still being legible. Lots of space for dynamic text transitions here.

Type system

Typography was the backbone of the design direction, lower, upper and corner thirds, subtitles, news video screens, magazine quotes were all on the table to problem solve.

The newly released Mena Grotesk was a perfect typeface family - modern, punchy, dynamic and somehow still sober enough for the content at hand.


Producers dreaded how maps broke the visual tone of each episode. So of course, we made a Map design system too. This one got us cheers.
The development work was extremely well received by the Vice team.  Alas though, as 2020 started to spiral with the start of the pandemic, Showtime took a different direction for the final season ❣️
Client:  Vice Media

Production Company:  PPL SEA
Creative Director:  Alex Mapar
Executive Producer:  Ventura Castro

Development: Alex Mapar, Ventura Castro
Storyboards: Alex Mapar
Design:  Alex Mapar, Ventura Castro
Animation:  Alex Mapar, Ben Hill